How to party properly


Dosage – Go slow stay low. Think about your environment and who you are with. As far as possible be with people that you trust and that have used before. Wait 30 mins between doses and make a note on your phone as ketamine can distort your perception of time. Many people experience a K hole which can be very intense.

Don’t mix with other substances, particularly depressants such as benzos, opiates and alcohol.

Try not to share snorting equipment, notes and straws etc. This can put you at increased risk of contracting blood borne viruses like Hepatitis C. Make sure powder is finely crushed and alternate nostrils.

Look after each other. Ketamine can be a very disorientating substance. Plan beforehand. If anyone passes out put them in the recovery position and seek medical attention. Remember medical professionals will not make any judgements and are there to help.

Be aware that long term Ketamine use can have serious consequences for your physical health.

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